Friday, October 16, 2009

The Beauty of the Philippines

That's the appropriate title for this picture as it truly shows the beauty of the Philippines. This shot is the famous Boracay sunset taken during my summer vacation visit there last year. Sunsets has always been my favorite shot. This unique scene of nature is so priceless to look at. And Boracay sunset is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful scene to represent the beauty of the Philippines. This picture is not just the best way to remember the natural beauty of Boracay but the best way to remember how beautiful the Philippines is.


  1. Hi Ian, thanks for the visit...i will be home soon...i wish to meet other bloggers esp. in my blogrolls! where do you live? i might be touring from luzon to mindanao! i will see! take care and hope to meet you in person! have a safe trip always!

  2. are there some good sights in your place..let me know..thanks in advance!

  3. @Euroangel - I live in Cavite but I can meet you in the airport when you you arrive bec. I work there.

    It would be wonderful to meet you in person. And of course the other traveler friends here. I hope I can join in your 'round the country tour!

  4. Nice sunset! When I was in Bahamas Cruise via ECT last summer I saw many beatiful sunsets. Boracay is beatiful too.

  5. Philippines is one of the beautiful destinations in Asia I really love to go there especially Pagudpud because it is a wide and beautiful town where you can enjoy every moment. Maira-ira is the perfect beach for your family vacations it’s also known as Blue lagoon.


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